Mukesh Devrari

It is just amazing how China and Pakistan are openly working against India. It is a time for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to completely do away with the Nehruvian era foreign policy of maintaining an independent stance on world affairs and come openly against China on all major issues including banning Chinese companies on security grounds. The policy of maintaining equal distance from all existing superpowers costed India heavily in the past, it is still doing the same.  

China decided to attack India in 1962 because of the non-aligned policy. Imagine if Nehru would have openly joined the US or Soviet camp and signed a security pact as Indira Gandhi did before the 1971 war, then China would not have imagined attacking India without risking a war with existing superpowers. Although it appears amazing that communist dictators of China are calling for a meeting to discuss the Kashmir issue at United Nations security council.

Communist regime in China has no respect for human rights. It is well known brutally crushing all forms of political dissent within and outside the party. It is a successful dictatorship and present President likely to remain in the office for the rest of his life. The international community must speak for human rights in China. People of China must be allowed to choose their own government.

The Chinese government has been systematically torturing the Muslims in Xinxiang region. It has changed the demography of Tibet. People of Tibet are still struggling for their freedom. The leader the Tibetan Buddhists Dalai Lama is forced to live in exile all his life. Buddhism has been systematically crushed in Tibet. Muslims in Xinxiang province are not allowed to study Arabic and practice their faith. Mosques were raged across the region to eradicate the influence of Islam. Chinese government opened the internment camps. Millions of Muslims are being forced to participate in these camps and feed Chinese communist propaganda. 

While this institutional harassment, torture and oppression of Uighur Muslims in Xinxiang region continue, Pakistan fully supports the exploitation of Uighur Muslims. China openly supports terrorists operating against India on behalf of Pakistan in United Nations. Terrorists responsible for the killing hundreds of innocent civilians and member of armed forces in India are protected by the Chinese government at the United Nations. As a permanent member of Security Council China blocked the Indian requests to declare Islamic terrorists and their organization operating against India as terror outfits. Masood Azhar could not be declared as a terrorist for a long time as China blocked it.

Indian government is also afraid of China. It does not want to escalate tension with China, because BJP knows that it cannot afford to anger the Chinese communist party. Even Huawei, which poses a security threat to India has not been banned yet in India. The US and many other nation-states have already banned it. Under an Umbrella of Pakistani Nuclear bombs and Chinese veto at United Nations terror organizations like Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Toiba continued to bleed India for a long period of time.  

It is important to remember that India has no match for China. Although it has a large population, the Chinese economy is much larger than India. China decided to abandon socialism in 1978 and now China is reaping the fruit of its timely decision. Still, it is not too late for India. US dispensation has woken up against rising China. The western world clearly knows that China poses a great threat to the rule-based world order.

International community start the containment of China. First, the one-China policy should be rejected. Hong Kong and Taiwan must be encouraged to remain independent. Citizens of Hong Kong and Taiwan are being gradually enslaved by the Chinese communist party. Tibetans are also suffocating under the Han cruelties. Tibetans, Uighurs, Taiwanese and residents of Hong Kong should get their own homeland, where they could live their lives as per their own principles.

As a worlds largest democracy India must fund international think tanks globally to raise understanding about the need to expand democracy in Asia and Africa. It is time for us to pick the sides. Once the Afghanistan adventure of the US will be over, Pakistan will not have any leverage over the US. India should align itself with the United States to contain China in the long run.
China is like a pressure cooker as the one-party system cannot survive of long. The revolution is already on its way to radically change China and end the terror of Chinese Communist Party all over the globe.



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