
Showing posts from January, 2022

Significance of Media in Strengthening Democracy

Mukesh Devrari &  Harsh Dobhal  Abstract Known as the fourth estate following the Executive, Judiciary and the Legislative, media play a very crucial role in nurturing, preserving and deepening democracy and its various institutions and processes. The media also play a tremendous role in negotiating and democratizing the public sphere and expanding it to a wider segment of society. It is in the complex set of dynamics a democracy offers that the role of media assumes utmost significance and media and democracy enter a symbiotic relationship. Without a free media that is accessible to and representative of all, there can be no democracy, and without democracy, media can never get adequate space for proper functioning. This paper deals with four interrelated themes. Building on the assumption that free media and democracy are inseparable, the first part discusses the linkages between and the role of media in deepening democracy. The second part deals with the freedom of ...

Analysis of media narratives on the Sino-India conflict in Global Times

Mukesh Devrari, Harsh Dobhal, Devam Thapa This exploratory study attempts to analyse the Sino-India hostilities in the backdrop of the military clashes at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Union Territory of Ladakh in 2020. It identifies four patterns in the Chinese narrative about the border confrontations in the coverage of Global Times. First, it stakes a claim on the territories controlled by India in the Western and Eastern sector boundaries. Secondly, it contends that any attempts to stop Chinese nibbling at the LAC will lead to military confrontation. Thirdly, it argues that China is determined to take control of the territory it lays claim on, and geopolitical concerns are not shaping its policies towards India. Fourth, it also argues that Beijing can continue to access India’s vast market despite border clashes as Indian consumers benefit from cheap imports from China.   Keywords : Media analysis, Sino-India clashes, Chinese Media, Line of Actual Control, ...