Many commissions have been established in India, but common
masses are not aware of how to file a complaint in commissions. Here is a tentative
format developed by professional human rights activists. It is not
necessary to write in this particular format but if justice is not delivered
through the commission, it will help the complainant to take the issue
convincingly to the courts.
of Application to Commissions
If a complaint application goes through an
organization, it carries more weight. Use official letterhead of any NGO to
file an application.
Mention the date of complaint.
Address of the Commission
Subject – States Name + District + Village + Block +
Police Station + Issue ( Police Atrocity/Caste Atrocity/Domestic Violence/Child
First Para – Who are you? In
3-4 lines you must tell about your organization. It should be a very brief
Second Para – Subject should be
explained. Victims name. Who has committed the right’s abuse? Where it has happened? How it has happened?
Why it has happened?
Next - Mention the names of
accused. What is your source of information? If you have done any fact finding
you should fact-finding report.
Victim’s Detail – One paragraph. It includes social
background. All social details of the victim should be mentioned like community,
caste, religion, racial and ethnicity.
Next - Members of the commission
will start reading it from here. So write whatever you want write. Narrate the
incident in detail. Ensure that you cover the entire incident in less than 1500
Next – Write your Prayer. It
means what you want from the commission. You can request a commission to do its own
investigation. You can request commission not send the police for investigation.
You can request a commission to appoint special repertoire to investigate and
report it to the commission. You can ask for an independent investigation. If possible
quote laws to remind commission about their powers. If the complaint is being filed to the National Human Rights Commission, then you must know that NHRC can
order compensation. It can also order a prosecution. NHRC can also be requested
to appoint a practising criminal for legal assistance to the victim.
Secretary of NGO. It must include all their details.
Secretary of NGO. It must include all their details.
- News Clippings
- Pictures
- Fact-finding report.
This article is based on the conversation with Mathew
Jacob, a human rights activist and PhD scholar at Tata Institute of Social
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