Mukesh Devrari

It is amazing. Trump represents outsiders in US establishment. He is still being attacked for his views. It seems American security establishment was looking for the cut out President who toes the line of established policy regime. It is surprising that Trump is still being attacked for having views on certain issues which are not in sync with current policies. He is a President. He has every right to work for establishment of friendly relations with Russia.

Surprisingly US press is quoting CIA officials and other intelligence agencies to prove that Russian hackers played a role in leaking information to wiki leaks about John Podesta, media head of Clinton campaign. First of all, this is non-sense. Even if it is true, it has played no role in swinging the election result. Clinton was a weak candidate. She represented the US brutality in Middle East. She stood for status quo. Democrats lost the election on very same day Bernie sanders was kicked out of Primaries.

Internal communication about Clinton by her communication managers contributed in already existing notions about her. Intellectuals misread the excitement for Lady Gaga in her rally as support for Clinton campaign. She did not offer anything to voters, so she was rejected. She was trying to win the elections through surrogates.

Trump represents white America. Even the critiques of Trump would accept that America is America because of immigrants from India, Mexico, Syria, China or Pakistan. Red Indians might have failed in protecting their land and identity after the Caucasian attacks on them centuries ago. But the current reality is western project is too precious to be erased because of immigration. Right wing fascist across the US and Europe are on the rise because of the wrong policies of current left leaning liberal regimes.

Values which were created by west are in danger because immigration is forcing people to look for right wing alternatives which can change the very DNA of western cultural system. Most modern ideas were created in west and spread across the world. They could come into existence because their emergence did not pose immediate existential threat to dominant ideas.

Once they will, they no longer will be supported by majority. Democracy is another name of subtle majoritism. Another criticism of Trump is emanating from Press simply because in one of his interview he refused to abide by the ‘One China Policy’. This issue reflects the deep rooted hatred for Trump among media intellectuals who still could not come to the terms with Trump’s triumph in Presidential elections.

The arrogance of Chinese communist party is best reflected in its foreign policy. Global Times, mouth piece of Chinese regime, says, “China will attack Taiwan, if it declared independence”. Taiwan is de facto independent nation. Mainland China has no control over Taiwan. China regularly threatens its neighbors. Recently it punished Mongolia who allowed Dalai Lama to enter and talk about religion. It regularly threatens India on Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir.

China has openly opposed a ban on global terrorists like Masood Azhar, who were released from Indian Jail in return of passengers of hijacked Indian plane in 1999. In live television he was handed over to Taliban regime. China also refuses to stamp Indian passports of people from Jammu & Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh. It attaches a extra paper. Their purpose is to give clear message to India that we don’t recognize ‘One India Policy’.

India is timid and weak. It cannot challenge China alone. China has become economic superpower. It exported goods worth 2300 billion dollar and imported goods worth of 1600 billion dollar in 2015 alone. India is not even a competitor in any sphere except the population growth.

China regularly threatens Japan. Chinese media regularly boasts that the power gap between US and China is at its lowest level. Trump is right when he says that shy should US abide by the one china policy. Renowned sinologist and Professor in JNU Deepak Bali said, “China will never accept line of actual control (LAC) as international border with India. China has become too powerful to show any leniency towards us.” Trump has rightfully shaken the very foundation of international order by hitting at the right spot. China must be reminded that it cannot grow at the cost of peaceful existence of its neighbors and peers.

Trump was fiercely criticized by US media for his comments about China. Obama also initiated ‘Pivot of Asia’ doctrine. If China was allowed to overtake US economy, it will be end of US dominance. West has no choice but to help India rise economically. It is high time for West led by US to start containment of China. It must encourage forces within China to adopt political reforms.

As a new President of United States of America, Donald Trump must be allowed to reconfigure US foreign policy. It is time for world to enter new cold war era and this time free world has a new enemy – China. It must be contained. This race has a potential to bring fascinating technological advancements within China.



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