Screen shot from the website of The Hindu. Mukesh Devrari In the morning I came across a column written against uniform civil code in the editorial page of ‘The Hindu’. The essay was written by Nivedita Menon. She is a professor at JNU, New Delhi and describes herself as a feminist scholar. In her column titled ‘It isn’t about the woman’, she gave reasons to support the continuation of Sharia based Muslim personal law in India and argued against prohibiting polygamy and triple talaq. She described the Uniform Civil Code as a Hindu agenda to impose Hindu laws on Muslims. I could resist myself and scribbled a few lines to critique her arguments. It is important to critically examine her grotesque narrative on the issue. She is denying democratic space available to Muslim women in secular democracies like India. According to her even in secular democracies if Muslims women need any right, they should find it within the Islamic faith. Recently a Muslim w...