Mukesh Devrari 

The answer to this question must start from further questioning. Is there anything like cultural imperialism exists, obviously it exists, many argue. Others say it is a figment of human imagination. Is it a conspiracy of the west against weaker nations? Perhaps the answer dwindles between yes and no. If it exists, is it going to benefit only the white men who live mainly in Europe and America? Perhaps the one simple answer is no. What then this question mean?

It is true that due to the present global economic structure western behavioural patterns spread immediately around the globe. But not necessarily everything that is being accepted around the globe is western and it not that the western countries are not being influenced by others. It is well-documented fact that in Great Britain thousands of people covert each year to Islam, at least Jihad watch claims that. It is perhaps greatest defeat for the Judeo-Christian civilization. West thrived because it solely rests on rationality and independence of its thoughts. 

Money loves money. There is a huge paradox in economics. It is not trustworthy as western think tanks might like to believe. To make money certain food outlets sell certain kind of food items. Nationalist or Ultra nationalists see that as an American conspiracy to decimate our food habits and replace it with western style food. Interestingly many Marxists accept this line of thought. In the similar fashion when Americans make movies to entertain their fellow human beings, other countries (in Asia, Africa, Middle East) see it as an attempt to make women in their territories immoral, attempt to destroy deep family ties which are not present in west. Sometimes west glorifies itself. But that is not a good enough reason to accept the charge of conspiracy.

See everything is that clear. But it is complex, subtle and dense. Human beings are designed in such a manner that they will be convinced by the rationale thoughts. This innate ability among human beings cannot be subverted. As thinkers like Slavoj Zizek try to attempt at times. But coming up with examples, that too quite a few, is one thing, and making an attempt to reverse the tide is another thing.

Here what the author is trying to propose is gradual changes are part of evolution. In the long term practices based on weak premises are bound to be shattered. Once this cultural churning reaches its peak, it will not be under the control of the west as generally seen today. China is a good example. A communist nation, which practices hardcore capitalism, but still has shades of state capitalism, is going to emerge as the biggest protector of neoliberal policies. Yes, it’s a prophecy.

So, in other words, there will be no turning back. Not even for the west. If it attempted it like Obama did through Obamacare, then the same monster which they have created in the last 500 years will come to haunt them. So it is better to just use the opportunities in the best possible manner provided to third world countries by the global economic structure. These nations cannot blame the west for their internal failures. It is a matter of time before Samsung replaces Apple from its throne. China may perhaps leave the USA far behind in the economic race. If South Korea and China could do it, why can’t India and Pakistan do it?  

Future is much more interesting. Claws of future theories and concepts are being spotted here and there which may encapsulate the future, present and past realities. This word imperialism has negative connotations. What harm US lifestyle has done to human beings in third world countries. If any practice is hampering the economic growth, then it must be opposed. Another western influence on the social and political spheres of human activity is not problematic at all. But there are few exceptions available and the charge is also there that west selectively exports its traits.   

So in simple words, the notion of cultural imperialism is a myth, it is mostly based on rhetoric and concocted truths. Human beings like good things. Tricks and artificial persuasion is bound to end sooner or later. 
Lastly for a moment, even if we expect that culture is being exported which is leading to imperialism in the arena of culture. Then obviously it can only be done through the information systems. Culture can be transmitted only through communication so means of mass communication are required to export it at a larger scale. Any debate about communication cannot be independent of communication systems.

(Author is an Assistant Professor (on contract) in School of Mass Communication and Media Technologies of Central University of Jharkhand)



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