Mukesh Devrari The answer to this question must start from further questioning. Is there anything like cultural imperialism exists, obviously it exists, many argue. Others say it is a figment of human imagination. Is it a conspiracy of the west against weaker nations? Perhaps the answer dwindles between yes and no. If it exists, is it going to benefit only the white men who live mainly in Europe and America? Perhaps the one simple answer is no. What then this question mean? It is true that due to the present global economic structure western behavioural patterns spread immediately around the globe. But not necessarily everything that is being accepted around the globe is western and it not that the western countries are not being influenced by others. It is well-documented fact that in Great Britain thousands of people covert each year to Islam, at least Jihad watch claims that. It is perhaps greatest defeat for the Judeo-Christian civilization. West thrived because it s...