Mukesh Devrari The tiny state of Uttarakhand has produced many great politicians in the past who have played an important role in the politics of Congress Party. The legacy of great Uttarakhandi leaders starts with Govind Ballabh Pant, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna, Murli Manohar Joshi, Narayan Dutt Tiwari and Yogi Adityanath and perhaps ends with Harish Rawat. Harish Rawat is the only politician who satisfies masses intellectually while remaining extraordinarily connected to the people, culture and their customs. He is the one who can debate on a national television channel on contentious issues and can also patiently hear villagers who visit his house for seeking help almost every day in large number. Even his opponents suggest that no one understands the state of Uttarakhand better than Harish Rawat. He is perhaps the most suitable candidate to rule the state. He is our public intellectual who understands the pitfalls of national politics and fully aware of Uttarakhan...