Mukesh Devrari There was not much to read in the victory speeches of the man of the moment Narendra Modi. He led BJP to its biggest victory. BJP won staggering 283 seats and Congress has to contend with 43 seats. Even in 1977 general elections, which were held immediately after an emergency, Congress could win 154 seats in Lower House of parliament out of 543. BJP ideologue Balbir Punj said that he had never imagined that in his lifetime BJP would come to power on its own. If BJP leaders could not imagine this spectacular win, how could others? So far, the highest score of BJP was 182 seats in 1999 general elections under the charismatic leadership of A.B Vajpayee. The Modi is now our Prime Minister. The focus of this article is to highlight an ideological structure, if there was any, in his victory speech. During his campaigns, Modi promised that development will be his priority. The entire corporate world stood behind him because as a Chief Minister of Gujarat he en...